Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Mural Planned And More...........

This is Pierre. He was adopted from the Fallbrook Animal Sanctuary. The family that now has him has been blessed with this furry friend's cute antics that include rolling around on the floor until his tummy is rubbed. His family is working hard at more donations for the sanctuary by collecting bottles and cans for Jacob Oatman, the 13 year old boy and his younger sister. They are building an empire of support - can you help them? The sanctuary has been helping the community in so many ways, but it needs more funds. Urgently we need donations to finish projects like the grates and drains for the kennels which are planned for immediate building. Once done the Sanctuary can offer so much more to North County. We also have a wonderful mural planned where anyone can honor their beloved pet by donating $300.00 or $150.00 to have their furry loved friend painted in the mural for the world to adore and honor. My owners are planning honoring members of my family, won't you???????

www.  Located at 230 W. Aviation, Fallbrook, CA 92028.

1 comment:

  1. AWWW! Pierre was one I help Birth! I Had his Momma! How is he doing?
